Rudrashtakam Video
Reciting this powerful hymn dedicated to Lord Shiva, known for its profound spiritual and philosophical content, offers several benefits:
Benefits of Reciting Rudrashtakam
1. Spiritual Upliftment:
- Connection with Divine: It strengthens one’s connection with Lord Shiva, who represents the ultimate reality and divine consciousness.
- Inner Peace: Promotes inner peace and tranquility by focusing the mind on spiritual truths and divine attributes.
2. Removal of Obstacles:
- Overcoming Difficulties: Lord Shiva, known as the remover of obstacles, helps overcome challenges and barriers in one’s life.
- Problem Solving: Helps in resolving issues by invoking divine intervention and guidance.
3. Prosperity and Well-being:
- Blessings of Prosperity: Invoking Lord Shiva brings blessings of prosperity, success, and well-being.
- Health Benefits: Can lead to physical and mental health benefits by reducing stress and enhancing overall vitality.
4. Purification and Transformation:
- Cleansing of Karma: Helps in the purification of negative karma and promotes spiritual growth.
- Personal Transformation: Encourages personal transformation by fostering a deeper understanding of self and the universe.
5. Mental Clarity and Focus:
- Enhanced Focus: Improves mental clarity and focus by concentrating on the divine and transcending worldly distractions.
- Emotional Stability: Brings emotional stability by reinforcing trust in the divine plan and reducing anxiety.
6. Liberation and Freedom:
- Spiritual Liberation: Assists in attaining spiritual liberation (moksha) by aligning with the higher consciousness and divine will.
- Freedom from Suffering: Offers relief from worldly sufferings and the cycle of birth and rebirth.
7. Divine Protection:
- Safety and Security: Provides a sense of divine protection and safety, shielding from negative influences and harmful energies.
- Guidance and Support: Invokes the protective and supportive nature of Lord Shiva in all aspects of life.
8. Strengthening Devotion:
- Increased Faith: Strengthens faith and devotion towards Lord Shiva and the principles he embodies.
- Spiritual Practice: Enhances one’s spiritual practice by integrating divine worship into daily life.
Reciting this hymn regularly with devotion can lead to profound spiritual benefits and a deeper connection with the divine essence of Lord Shiva.
Rudrashtakam Lyrics in Hindi
नमामीशमिशान निर्वाण रूपं विभुं व्यापकं ब्रह्म वेद: स्वरुपम् ।
निजं निर्गुणं निर्विकल्पं निरीहं चिदाकाश मकाशवासं भजेऽहम् ॥
निराकामोंकारमूलं तुरीयं गिरा ध्यान गोतीतमीशं गिरिशम ।
करालं महाकाल कालं कृपालं गुणागार संसारपारं नतोअहम ॥
तुषाराद्रि संकाश गौरं गभीरं मनोभूत कोटि प्रभा श्री शरीरम् ।
स्फुरन्मौलि कल्लोलिनी चारू गंगा लासद्भाल बालेन्दु कंठे भुजंगा ॥
चलत्कुण्डलं शुभ नेत्रं विशालं प्रसन्नाननं नीलकंठ दयालम ।
मृगाधीश चर्माम्बरं मुण्डमालं प्रिय शंकरं सर्वनाथं भजामि ॥
प्रचण्डं प्रकष्ठं प्रगल्भं परेशं अखण्डं अजं भानु कोटि प्रकाशम ।
त्रयशूल निर्मूलनं शूल पाणिं भजेऽहं भवानीपतिं भाव गम्यम ॥
कलातीत कल्याण कल्पान्तकारी सदा सच्चीनान्द दाता पुरारी ।
चिदानन्द सन्दोह मोहापहारी प्रसीद प्रसीद प्रभो मन्मथारी ॥
न यावद् उमानाथ पादारविन्दं भजन्तीह लोके परे वा नराणाम ।
न तावद् सुखं शांति सन्ताप नाशं प्रसीद प्रभो सर्वं भूताधि वासं ॥
न जानामि योगं जपं पूजा न तोऽहम् सदा सर्वदा शम्भू तुभ्यम् ।
जरा जन्म दुःखौघ तातप्यमानं, प्रभोपाहि आपन्नामामीश शम्भो ॥
Rudrashtakam Lyrics in Hinglish
Namameeshameshaan Nirvaan Roopam
Vibhum Vyaapakam Brahma Vedas Swaroopam
Nijam Nirgunam Nirvikalpam Nireeham
Chidaakaash Makaashavaasam Bhaje’ham
Niraakaara Omkaara Moolam Tureeyam
Giraa Dhyaan Goateetameesham Girisham
Karaalam Mahakaal Kaalam Kripaalam
Gunaagar Sansaarapaaram Nato’ham
Tushaaraadri Sankaasha Gauram Gabheeram
Manobhoot Koti Prabhaa Shree Shareeram
Sphuranmauli Kallolini Chaaru Gangaa
Laasadbhaala Baalendu Kanthe Bhujangaa
Chalatkundalam Shubha Netram Vishaalam
Prasannaananam Neelakantha Dayaalam
Mrigaadheesha Charmaambar Mundamaalam
Priya Shankaram Sarvanaatham Bhajaami
Prachandam Prakashtam Pragalbham Paresham
Akhandam Ajam Bhanu Koti Prakaasham
Trayashool Nirmoolanam Shoolapaanim
Bhaje’ham Bhavaaneepatim Bhaav Gamyam
Kalaateet Kalyaan Kalpaantakaari
Sadaa Satchinaand Daata Puraari
Chidaanand Sandoh Mohaapahaari
Praseed Praseed Prabho Manmathaari
Na Yaavad Umaanath Paadaaravindam
Bhajanteeha Loke Pare Vaa Naraanaam
Na Taavad Sukham Shaanti Santap Naasham
Praseed Prabho Sarva Bhootadhi Vaasam
Na Jaanaami Yogam Japam Poojaa Na Toham
Sadaa Sarvada Shambho Tubhyam
Jaraa Janma Dukhaugh Taapyamaanam
Prabho Paahi Aapannaamaameesh Shambho
Rudrashtakam Meaning in Hindi
नमामीशमिशान निर्वाण रूपं
मैं उन ईशान (शिव) को नमन करता हूँ, जो मोक्ष रूप हैं, जो समस्त जगत में व्यापक हैं और जो ब्रह्मा तथा वेदों के स्वरूप हैं।
विभुं व्यापकं ब्रह्म वेद: स्वरुपम्
वे सर्वशक्तिमान हैं, सर्वव्यापक हैं, ब्रह्मा और वेदों का स्वरूप हैं।
निजं निर्गुणं निर्विकल्पं निरीहं
जो अपनी आत्मा में स्थित हैं, जिनमें कोई गुण नहीं है, जो विकार रहित और निरासक्त हैं।
चिदाकाश मकाशवासं भजेऽहम्
जो चिदाकाश (ज्ञान के आकाश) में निवास करते हैं, मैं उन शिव की आराधना करता हूँ।
निराकामोंकारमूलं तुरीयं
जो निराकार हैं, ओंकार के मूल हैं और तुरीय (चौथे) अवस्था में स्थित हैं।
गिरा ध्यान गोतीतमीशं गिरिशम
जो वाणी और ध्यान से परे हैं, जो पर्वतों के स्वामी (गिरिश) हैं।
करालं महाकाल कालं कृपालं
जो भयंकर और महाकाल (कालों के काल) हैं, जो दयालु हैं।
गुणागार संसारपारं नतोअहम
जो गुणों के भंडार हैं, संसार के पार हैं, मैं उन्हें नमन करता हूँ।
तुषाराद्रि संकाश गौरं गभीरं
जो हिमालय के समान उज्ज्वल, गंभीर और गोर वर्ण के हैं।
मनोभूत कोटि प्रभा श्री शरीरम्
जिनके शरीर की प्रभा करोड़ों कामदेवों के समान है।
स्फुरन्मौलि कल्लोलिनी चारू गंगा
जिनके मस्तक से बहती सुंदर गंगा शोभायमान है।
लासद्भाल बालेन्दु कंठे भुजंगा
जिनके ललाट पर अर्धचंद्र और गले में सर्प की माला शोभित है।
चलत्कुण्डलं शुभ नेत्रं विशालं
जिनके कानों में कुंडल हिल रहे हैं, शुभ नेत्र और विशाल शरीर है।
प्रसन्नाननं नीलकंठ दयालम
जिनका चेहरा प्रसन्न है, जिनका गला नीला है और जो दयालु हैं।
मृगाधीश चर्माम्बरं मुण्डमालं
जिन्होंने सिंह की खाल पहनी है और मुण्डों की माला धारण की है।
प्रिय शंकरं सर्वनाथं भजामि
जो प्रिय शंकर और समस्त संसार के स्वामी हैं, उनकी मैं भक्ति करता हूँ।
प्रचण्डं प्रकष्ठं प्रगल्भं परेशं
जो प्रचण्ड, श्रेष्ठ, प्रबल और सर्वोच्च देव हैं।
अखण्डं अजं भानु कोटि प्रकाशम
जो अखंड, अजन्मा और करोड़ों सूर्यों के समान प्रकाशमान हैं।
त्रयशूल निर्मूलनं शूल पाणिं
जो त्रिशूल द्वारा समस्त पापों का नाश करते हैं, जिनके हाथ में त्रिशूल है।
भजेऽहं भवानीपतिं भाव गम्यम
मैं उन भवानी के पति शिव की भक्ति करता हूँ, जो भावनाओं के द्वारा प्राप्त होते हैं।
कलातीत कल्याण कल्पान्तकारी
जो कला से परे, कल्याणकारी और सृष्टि के अंत के कारण हैं।
सदा सच्चीनान्द दाता पुरारी
जो सदैव सत्य, चित्त और आनंद के दाता हैं, और पुर (त्रिपुर) के नाशक हैं।
चिदानन्द सन्दोह मोहापहारी
जो चिदानंद (ज्ञान और आनंद) के संचारक हैं और अज्ञान का नाश करने वाले हैं।
प्रसीद प्रसीद प्रभो मन्मथारी
हे मन्मथ (कामदेव) के नाशक प्रभु, कृपा करें, कृपा करें।
न यावद् उमानाथ पादारविन्दं
जब तक कोई उमानाथ (पार्वतीपति शिव) के चरणों की भक्ति नहीं करता।
भजन्तीह लोके परे वा नराणाम
तब तक इस लोक में या परलोक में मनुष्यों को सुख, शांति, और संताप से मुक्ति नहीं मिल सकती।
न तावद् सुखं शांति सन्ताप नाशं
तब तक उन्हें सुख, शांति और संताप का नाश प्राप्त नहीं हो सकता।
प्रसीद प्रभो सर्वं भूताधि वासं
हे समस्त जीवों के अधिष्ठाता प्रभु, कृपा करें।
न जानामि योगं जपं पूजा न तोऽहम्
मैं योग, जप, और पूजा नहीं जानता हूँ।
सदा सर्वदा शम्भू तुभ्यम्
हे शम्भू, मैं सदा और सर्वदा आपकी शरण में हूँ।
जरा जन्म दुःखौघ तातप्यमानं
जो बुढ़ापे और जन्म के दुःखों से पीड़ित हैं।
प्रभो पाही आपन्नामामीश शम्भो
हे प्रभु, हे ईश्वर शम्भो, मेरी रक्षा करें।
Rudrashtakam Meaning in English
Namamishamishana Nirvana Rupam
I bow to the Lord Ishana (Shiva), who embodies the form of liberation (Nirvana), who is all-pervading and the essence of Brahma and the Vedas.
Vibhum Vyapakam Brahma Vedasvarupam
He is all-powerful, all-pervasive, and the embodiment of Brahma and the Vedas.
Nijam Nirgunam Nirvikalpam Nireeham
He resides within His own self, devoid of qualities, free from dualities, and without desires.
Chidakasha Makashavasam Bhaje’ham
He resides in the sky of consciousness; I worship that Lord Shiva.
Nirakaramonkaramoolam Turiya
He is formless, the root of Omkara, and is established in the Turiya (fourth) state.
Gira Dhyana Gotitamisham Girisham
He is beyond speech and meditation, the Lord of mountains (Girish).
Karalam Mahakala Kalam Kripalam
He is fierce, the great time (Mahakala), the time of all times, and yet compassionate.
Gunagara Sansaraparam Natahaham
He is the repository of all virtues, beyond this world; I bow to Him.
Tusharadrisankasha Gauram Gabhiram
He is as radiant as the Himalayas, serious and of fair complexion.
Manobhutakoti Prabha Shreeram
His body shines with the radiance of millions of Cupids.
Sphuranmauli Kallolini Charu Ganga
From whose head flows the beautiful Ganga, who is resplendent.
Lasadbhala Balendu Kanthe Bhujanga
On whose forehead is the crescent moon, and around his neck is a snake.
Chalatkundalam Shubhanetram Vishalam
Whose earrings swing, whose eyes are auspicious and vast.
Prasannanam Neelakantha Dayalam
Whose face is pleasant, whose throat is blue, and who is merciful.
Mrigadheesha Charmambaram Mundamalam
Who wears the hide of a lion and a garland of skulls.
Priya Shankaram Sarvanatham Bhajami
I worship the beloved Shankara, the Lord of all.
Prachandam Prakashtam Pragalbham Paresham
Who is intense, exalted, bold, and the Supreme Lord.
Akhanda Ajam Bhanu Koti Prakasham
Who is undivided, unborn, and shines like millions of suns.
Trayashula Nirmoolanam Shula Panim
Who uproots all sins with His trident, holding the trident in hand.
Bhaje’ham Bhavani Patim Bhava Gamyam
I worship the consort of Bhavani (Parvati), who is accessible through devotion.
Kalatita Kalyana Kalpanta Kari
Who is beyond time, bestower of welfare, and the one who ends the cosmic cycle.
Sada Sacchidananda Data Purari
Who is the eternal giver of truth, consciousness, and bliss, the destroyer of the three cities (Tripura).
Chidananda Sandhoha Mohapahari
Who is the embodiment of knowledge and bliss, the remover of delusion.
Prasida Prasida Prabho Manmathari
O Lord, the destroyer of Kamadeva (desire), be pleased, be pleased.
Na Yavadumanatha Padaravindam
As long as one does not worship the lotus feet of Umanatha (Shiva).
Bhajantiha Loke Pare Va Naranam
Neither in this world nor in the next can they attain happiness, peace, or relief from suffering.
Na Tavad Sukham Shanti Santapa Nasham
Until then, they cannot find happiness, peace, or relief from distress.
Prasida Prabho Sarva Bhutadhi Vasam
O Lord, who resides in all beings, be merciful.
Na Janami Yogam Japam Pooja Na Toham
I do not know yoga, japa, or worship.
Sada Sarvada Shambhu Tubhyam
O Shambhu, I am always and forever at your feet.
Jara Janma Dukhogha Tatapyamanam
I am suffering from the afflictions of old age and the cycle of birth.
Prabho Pahi Apannamami Isha Shambho
O Lord, O Shiva, protect me, who am afflicted and bow to you.
FAQs for Rudrashtakam
Rudrashtakam is a devotional hymn dedicated to Lord Shiva, composed by the sage Pushpadanta. It consists of eight verses (ashtakshara) that praise the attributes and glory of Lord Shiva.
The hymn is highly revered in Hinduism for its profound devotional content. It is believed to bring peace, prosperity, and protection to devotees. Reciting or listening to Rudrashtakam is said to invoke Lord Shiva’s blessings and remove obstacles.
The lyrics in both Hindi and English can be found on Lifeved’s page dedicated to Rudrashtakam.
Yes, the meaning of Rudrashtakam is also available on Lifeved. The page provides a detailed explanation of each verse in both Hindi and English.
It is often recited with devotion and concentration. Devotees usually chant it during religious ceremonies, special occasions, or personal prayer sessions. The hymn can be recited in the morning or evening as a part of a daily spiritual practice.
Reciting Rudrashtakam is believed to help in overcoming difficulties, bringing mental peace, and achieving spiritual growth. It is also said to enhance one’s connection with Lord Shiva and promote overall well-being.
Yes, Rudrashtakam can be chanted by anyone who wishes to express devotion to Lord Shiva. There are no specific restrictions, but it is important to recite it with reverence and sincerity.
While there is no strict rule, many devotees choose to recite it during auspicious times such as early morning (Brahma Muhurta) or evening (Sandhya). It can also be recited during Shiva-related festivals or special pujas.
Yes, Rudrashtakam can be chanted in a group or community setting. Group recitations can be a powerful way to enhance collective devotion and foster a sense of spiritual unity among participants.
You can listen to Rudrashtakam recitations on the Lifeved YouTube channel. They offer various audio and video recordings of the hymn, which can help with learning the correct pronunciation and rhythm.